

Your little Infants are about to be Big Ones! The time has come for your student to transition into the next classroom. Chanen Preschool and your child’s teachers want to make this transition as smooth and easy as possible!


What a big transition our one’s experience is! In a short period of time, they have gone from needing their every need met to walking, feeding themselves, using simple words and so much more.

The ones also transition to school snack and napping 1 time a day on a mat. The ones classroom is filled with hands on exploration with a strong focus on language development, gross and fine motor development, and sensory play.


Using simple words to label objects, family members and asking for help. We also introduce simple signs to help ease the transition into speech.

Gross & Fine Motor

Physical development occurs so quickly at this age! Children go from barely walking to running and climbing. Gross motor is important in developing fine motor skills.  We need strong arms to support our hands so they can develop pincer grasp, picking up smaller objects and manipulating toys. Allowing the children to run, throw balls, dance and do movement/motion songs encourages physical development.

“With sensory play, your child is working on problem-solving skills,” says Messer. “It encourages them to explore how to play and engage with different experiences as well as how to maneuver challenges they encounter, things like how to get rice from one container to another or how to stay balanced on a swing.”

– Clinic 2022

Sensory Play

Sensory exploration is proven to help the brain make connections to the world around them. By engaging their senses through play, we help develop language and motor skills.



  • Bottles are not allowed in the ones program. Please send a sippy cup filled with water and labeled with first and last name each day. If you would like to send milk, it needs to be in a sippy cup and will be offered with meals.
  • You can send a lunch or order a hot lunch through Chanen. Please send lunches in a Bento box daily. Label your child’s lunch with their first and last name- please do not send small, individual containers.
  • Please send your child’s food cut into bite-size pieces, ready to eat within their Bento box. Food cannot be heated at the Preschool.
  • Your child will now be sitting at a small table and in a small chair during snack and lunch. They will be eating independently. They will also be learning how to use utensils. We encourage you to continue these independent skills at home.


We will provide 2-3 snacks daily. School snacks are organic, when possible, low on the glycemic index and pair healthy options with fruits and vegetables. Two food groups will be offered at each snack.



  • Students will take one nap each day from 1:00-3:00 PM. They start to go down around 12:30/12:45 depending on class. They will also be napping on mats.
  • Please send a blanket for your student each Monday. You may also send a lovey or small comfort item for nap that will be stored in the cubby throughout the week. All blankets will be sent home each Friday to be washed.
  • Chanen staff are well accustomed to helping students through this transition from the crib to the cot. Your child’s teachers will sit by them, rub their backs, and soothe them to sleep at naptime.
Parent Communications

Parent Communications

Students in the Ones will not receive a written Daily Report. Teachers track all daily activities on the Procare Engagement app.

Summer Camp

Summer Camp

  • The Ones will enjoy the water play during summer. On water play days, please send your child dressed in water play clothes including a bathing suit and water shoes.
  • Your child will need water diapers and a towel each water day.
  • Send a full change of clothes including shirt, shorts, socks and dry shoes each water day. Please label everything with first and last name including your towel.
  • Please apply sunscreen in the morning to your child before they arrive.

What Parents are Saying

“We have been part of the Chanen family for 2 years and have loved seeing the changes with the new administration and new teachers! Our son loves going to school everyday. He is always greeted with smiles and hugs. We love the updated hours and addition of the app. The teachers and staff are amazing as always! We truly feel like he is part of a family when he goes to school.”

Vina Zinn / Parent

“We are very fortunate to be part of the Chanen family. My kids joined this year and were welcomed with loving arms from day one. The staff is very kind, attentive and accommodating, and my kids feel right at home. Special thanks to the frog and penguin class teachers. You Rock!”

Meital Amrami / Parent

Our younger two children currently attend Chanen preschool but amongst our children, we have been there for over 6 years at this point. We have had a great experience with staff and our oldest was well prepared for kindergarten. As a Jewish family, we have really appreciated the Judaism our children have brought home from Chanen. We look forward to another year.

Ashley Higashi / Parent