Learn. Educate. Grow.

Congregation Beth Israel’s Chanen Preschool provides a high-quality, safe,
and developmentally appropriate Jewish preschool experience.

A Program for Each Child

Whether an Infant or 4-year-old, Chanen Preschool has a program for your child.

Create. Sing. Run.

Congregation Beth Israel’s Chanen Preschool allows children to blossom into the person they were always meant to be.

Different Kind of Grass Roots

When children spend half their day here, we make it feel like home…garden and all!

General Info

Principal: Shaleen Hill
Phone: 480.951.3398
Direct Email: Shill@cbiaz.org


10460 N 56th Street
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253

School Hours

Monday – Thursday
7:30 AM – 6:00 PM

7:30 AM – 4:30 PM


At Chanen Preschool our curriculum is focused on foundational early childhood education. Early Childhood Development refers to a child’s physical, cognitive, language, and socio-emotional development. Children are not passive learners. Instead, they learn through physical, social, and mental activities. Because children learn through firsthand actions with objects and things in their world, their learning occurs and is linked to the overall environment and their cultural experiences.

Play is how children find out about their world. All types of play manipulative play, play with games, rough-and-tumble play, and socio-dramatic play – provide children with opportunities to try things out, see what happens, and learn. As active learners, young children need opportunities to observe things and events in their here-and-now world, develop their own ideas, try them out, find out what happens, and come up with their own answers.

At Chanen we know it is our job to provide the students with opportunities to learn and grow through play experiences.

Quick Look Calendar



Chanen’s Infant Specialists create a nurturing atmosphere with an individualized focus on specific needs and wants of each child.


Chanen Preschool and your child’s teachers strive to make the transition into this class as smooth and easy as possible!


The twos are on the move! Socialization, communication and potty training are big focuses in our two’s programs.


In the Preschool classrooms, Chanen provides students with a safe environment to explore, ask questions and learn at their pace.


Kindergarten is on the horizon and our goal is to have our pre-kindergartners fulfill many goals and objectives.

Summer Camp

Camp Chanen offers a fun-filled summer of adventures for campers aged 6 weeks through entering 1st Grade.